Does Newspeak has something to do with Programming?

I found the reading really interesting, because the reading talks about how language and media control the way we think and how by removing concepts from language it is harder to think or communicate the concept. The reading mentions "by manipulating the language, the government wishes to alter the public’s way of thinking. This can be done, psychologists theorize  because the words that are available for the purpose of communicating thought tend to influence the way people think".
Applying this concepts to programming languages it made me think that todays top programming languages kind of limit your way of thinking by oversimplifying some of the instructions there are, for example removing pointers or making it difficult to use advance data structures. I also noticed that the people who use these new programming languages tend to have less knowledge about the low level instructions that can be executed.
Every single programming language limits the vision of the person using it, that is why one must first do pseudocode without having any language considerations, because, again, the language limits the thinker. When people use Java they think in an object-oriented style, when people use Clojure they think in a functional style, etc. Instead, if we use a neutral approach and then select the best language or the easier language it opens the perspective of the programmer.

I really enjoyed the reading because I knew what Orwell was intending to do, but I did not have the official confirmation by some studies. I liked a lot how it can be applied to our subject because it truly makes you think if you are programming in a proper way or if you are actually biased by your favorite language. This is the reason why the programming languages must never come to a standard or to stop supporting different approaches, syntax and implementations.


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