The best programming language

The reading "The Semicolon Wars" talks about the issues that come naturally from having many programming languages. One of the main issues is the lack of standardization of the context-free grammars and the immense number of programming languages. I understand the different approaches they have to work (Object-Oriented, Imperative, Declarative and Functional) but I believe that there is a need for standardization. I deeply agree with the statement that a programming language can be used as a tool to expand your understanding or as a thinking limitation. The author mentions "Object-oriented notions are now so deeply ingrained that they influence almost every new language" (Hayes, 2006) and I think this is really a problem because the Object-oriented approach is powerful but far from perfect as any of the other approaches. 
The author mentions "I write programs in Lisp for the same reason I write prose in English—not because it’s the best language, but because it’s the language I know best(Hayes, 2006) and I think this is the case of most programmers, they think their language is the most powerful because they know more about it. I truly believe that each approach is better for different problems, so I want to learn all of the approaches and how to use them for the problems they are intended to solve.
The reading's name comes from the problem with the semicolons and how they work in the different languages, I believe that simple is better. When programming began we had languages as Assembly and then we moved to simpler languages such as C that could be more human readable. But since C we haven't seen a big change in programming languages, it was until a few years ago that Pythonish  languages (simple languages with no semicolon rules such as Python, Swift and Kotlin) came into the picture, as of 2018 Python was crowned as the best programming language (Kumar). Python as every programming language is far from perfect, it is the best because there are a lot of job offers for Python and programmers vote for Python for its simplicity against languages such as C. 
I move for a language such as PHP where you can use different notations for the same statement; but PHP only has two notations: object-oriented and procedural. I move for a language that implements all the approaches and teaches programmers to think for the best notation according to the problem they are trying to solve.

Hayes, B. (2006). The Semicolon Wars. Retrieved From:

Kumar, A.(2018) Python Crowned As The Best Programming Language 2018. Retrieved from:


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