Is really functional programming better?
Since the beginning of software development, we have used the same programing techniques, the author mentions that this is because it “closely resembles how a computer works at the hardware level: the processor fetches data from memory, performs elementary opera- tions on it, and writes the result back to a memory cell” (Hinsen, 2009). The only different technique that has been developed is functional programming, which was developed as a mathematical theory first and then into a programming language called LISP. So, we have two different approaches: functional programming and imperative programming. Functional programming consists on composing functions for computations, just as previously mentioned, this paradigm was first a mathematical theory and thus a function is “a mapping from input values to output values” (Hinsen, 2009) not to be confused with subroutines. A big difference between functions from functional programming and from imperative programming is that functiona...